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UCL-UCLH Surgical Outcomes Research Centre (SOuRCe) are an independent research group, who work closely with clinicians and clinical governance departments. The aim of the group is to use measurement to improve the quality of perioperative healthcare. 


CPET Service

Our Cardiopulmonary Exercise testing team measures the cardiopulmonary systems response to increasing exercise. The results from CPET are used to identify cardiac, respiratory, muscular, and metabolic abnormalities. CPET is used to identify high-risk patients about to undergo major surgery while as a tool to predict post-operative outcomes.

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UCLH Prehabilitation

Our prehabilitation service uses physical fitness, nutritional and psychological screening tools to aid surgical patients to improve their fitness before their surgery.

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SplendoHealth is an app with a cloud based data platform, integrated with a background machine learning. The app performs real time remote physical activity assessments.   

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Center for Peri-Operative Medicine (CPOM)

CPOM is a multidisciplinary research and education collaborative. We are committed to improvement in care, outcomes and the experience of patients contemplating, undergoing, and recovering from surgery. 

PeriopMed UCL

An internationally recognized, innovative and current MSc. program offered by UCL teaching perioperative medicine.

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Perioperative Clinical Trials Research Nurse Group

Perioperative clinical trial research nurses group aims to create an environment which allows everyone with an interest in perioperative care to make a meaningful but realistic contribution to clinical trials and observational studies.


The Human Pharmacology and Physiology Lab (HPPL-Duke), based in Durham, NC, US, conducts studies in healthy volunteers and collects comprehensive physiological data. Key areas of interest are early human clinical drug trials related to anesthesia and clinical equipment validation studies prior to FDA approval.

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